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keeping it simple

Nikon D3, 70-200mm @ 34mm, 500iso, f/2.8, 1/180, manual

UCI Men’s Basketball guard Michael Hunter poses for a quick photo before warming up to play UC Riverside.

I took an assignment to shoot a feature photo of UCI Basketball player Michael Hunter. We tried to get some time with him by contacting the communications person that handles Men’s Basketball, but because of the short notice they said that there wasn’t any time. I decided that I would catch Hunter sometime before the game. I got there a few hours before the game when the team was shooting around and let him know that I needed to get a quick shot of him before the game.

While he was gone I set up one softbox in the narrow hall where the locker rooms are. I didn’t have much room to work with and I wanted to keep it simple. I had two photographers, Lee and Rashmi, helping me setup. In the photo below, Rashmi stands in and tries out a few poses.

Nikon D3, 70-200mm @ 35mm, 500iso, f/2.8, 1/180, manual

About an hour before the game Michael came back to the Bren Events Center and everything was already set up. I already had the pose decided and all he had to do was stand in. I did the first shot with just his street clothes on.

Nikon D3, 70-200mm @ 34mm, 500iso, f/2.8, 1/180, manual

After a few shots, he went into the locker room and changed into his uniform. When he came back out we took a few more shots. This is the shot that ran in the paper, although I liked the previous one a little better.

Nikon D3, 70-200mm @ 35mm, 500iso, f/2.8, 1/180, manual

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UCI Photo Scavenger Hunt

Viento Residents (From Left): Marlon Castillo, Pratik Panda, Christine Mathewson, Alex Helmintoller.

There was a photo scavenger hunt that was hosted by UCI Yearbook earlier in winter quarter. I entered by dorm in the competition and when the day came I was only able to round up four of my kids. Despite our lacking numbers we still had a lot of fun running around the campus, figuring out riddle, and taking photos.

I had my camera set on manual focus and didn’t realize it until after the first two photos that were taken at the new building next to Donald Bren Hall…

“Beware of falling Branches” sign in Aldrich Park.

Infinite Fountain.

Natural Sciences II.

Science Library (view 1).

Science Library (view 2).

UCI Bicycle sharing program.

B.C.’s Tavern.

Aldrich Park.

Humanities Gateway.

Fountain sculpture in the Arts School.

Cyber A Cafe.

Anteater statue in front of the Bren Events Center.

Gateway Study Center.

Very center of Aldrich Park.

ASUCI office (where the Yearbook office is).

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UCI Spirit Squad coach

(From Left) Clarisse Chavez, Caitlin Matsumoto, Tiffany Chen, Alysia Cornwell, and Melaine Morita all stand in for a portrait.

I shot the photo for the New University’s story on the UCI Spirit Squad coach, Tiffany Chen. It was a quick shoot in the back of the Bren Events Center after a mens basketball game.

I always have an assistant, this time Panda, stand in for a few test shots..

Nikon D3, 70-200mm @ 80mm, 250iso, f/9, 1/250, manual

Nikon D3, 70-200mm @ 70mm, 125iso, f/7.1, 1/320, manual

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video, video, and more video

Ignition (remix)

I have been doing filming for the UCI Women’s Basketball team and have been asked recently to work on several other video projects for UCI’s Athletic department. Right now I’m working with borrowed Canon 5D MKII’s. I’m looking into getting a 7D and will hopefully have something of my own so that I won’t have to keep bugging everybody to borrow a camera.

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branching out and shooting dancing

Nikon D3, 14-24mm @ 16mm, 100iso, f/10, 1/250, manual

UCI Freshman Jaclyn Wang holds a pose during a late night photoshoot.

I have always wanted to shoot dancing, especially stuff like ballet and hip hop. My resident Jaclyn Wang is a dancer and I asked her if she was down to take some photos sometime this year. I happened to have a lighting kit over the weekend because of a shoot that I did a few days before and wanted to use it again before I had to return it.

We went out late one night to one of the dance studios which takes about 1 minute to walk to from our dorm. A few of my other residents tagged along too and helped me with all my equipment.

UCI Freshman Marlon Castillo helps set up equipment.

The room was big but plain and didn’t give me too much to work with. I moved stuff around and tried to find some good angles. I had a lot of fun shooting this and hope to shoot some more dance throughout the year.

Nikon D3, 14-24mm @ 14mm, 125iso, f/9, 1/250, manual

Nikon D3, 14-24mm @ 21mm, 100iso, f/10, 1/250, manual

Nikon D3, 14-24mm @ 15mm, 100iso, f/16, 1/200, manual

Nikon D3, 14-24mm @ 14mm, 100iso, f/16, 1/200, manual

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making the band on fancy friday

Nikon D3, 14-24mm @ 16mm, 100iso, f/10, 1/250, manual

From left: Jaclyn, Ian, Scott, Alex, and Panda. Viento residents along with their RA Scott Roeder (Middle) take some fun pics after finishing up a photo shoot with the band “An Abyss Called Home”.

One of my residents did a Q&A piece on a local band for OC Weekly. We were thinking of a place to shoot and decided on a locker area about 100 feet from my dorm. It actually turned out to be a pretty cool location to shoot at. I shot the photo below for the article.

Nikon D3, 14-24mm @ 23mm, 100iso, f/10, 1/250, manual

Below is a screenshot of the photo with the article.

It also just happened to be fancy friday at my dorm (a day where we all dress fancy for fun). With a few more of my residents helping out, we didn’t want to waste the lighting setup on just one photo so after I was done with the band we all stood in for our own photoshoot. The camera was set to timer and we tried our best to get the timing right. Jumping in our fancy clothes might not have been the best idea seeing as somebody ripped their pants (see last photo).

Nikon D3, 14-24mm @ 23mm, 100iso, f/10, 1/250, manual

Nikon D3, 14-24mm @ 23mm, 100iso, f/10, 1/250, manual

Nikon D3, 14-24mm @ 16mm, 100iso, f/10, 1/250, manual

Nikon D3, 14-24mm @ 16mm, 100iso, f/10, 1/250, manual

Nikon D3, 14-24mm @ 24mm, 100iso, f/10, 1/250, manual

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