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Zero Rest…

Over the last few weeks I’ve been busy with training for my new job. On top of that school is starting up again and I’m constantly overlapping my commitments by packing my schedule with class, work, ultimate, internship, shooting for the newspaper. All this extracurricular stuff is killing me right now…but its worth it.

Anyways. I don’t know how many people actually know about my blog or even visit it but I think I could do a better job of posting more often. I’ll try.

Back to the good stuff. I shot some soccer and waterpolo in the last few days.

Soccer. Same old story. Dark as a cave. ISO maxed out on my Mark IIn and on the D2Hs. Noise ninja during post processing. Longest lens is a 300mm 2.8 = only shooting the closer half of the field. While shooting 2 games in a row and sitting out on the field I also managed to slowly become soaked by the night time dew. Here are two photos I know wont be going in the paper:

Wrong sport?

Touchy-feely? Wrong sport?

Waterpolo.Thank you waterpolo! After shooting soccer again in the dark I was starting to loose hope. This was my first time shooting waterpolo and it has instantly become one of my favorite school sports to shoot. DAYLIGHT. ISO 100. Clean, sharp, noise free images. Shooting water sports also provides opportunities for unique reflections, flying water drops, and glistening skin. On top of that, the games are relatively short and the playing field is easy to get around. I’ve also been trying to shoot tighter lately. Its much harder but also very rewarding. Here are a few shots:

This last photo is nothing too special. I just though it was cool how the water splash distorted the players face.

I recently shot some headshots for a friend from my work. I had never shot headshots before but they never looked very complicated. I’m happy with how they turned out, especially for my first time. Here is the finished product:

Soon to come…Strobes in the gym!

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September 29, 2008 - 7:19 am

thunder - The 3rd water polo picture is the best in my opinion because it isn’t just a picture with a player with water droplets all over the freakin place.

The water droplets are actually about to flow off the guy’s arm and shoulder, visually representing the physically motion the player is going through.

September 29, 2008 - 5:56 pm

Almatron - Roeder, the water polo pictures are awesome. I love the water, it looks so intense.

Also love the Highlight the Night pictures haha. I was wondering what camera did you use?

New House….New Toys!!!

I just recently moved into a house in Irvine with my former roommates plus two other guys. Right now we have a bunch of empty space because our place is huge. We decided to fill some of the space and started with the backyard. One word…trampoline. I hope its not against the housing association rules. Its a little hard to hide….

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August 15, 2008 - 11:39 pm

Box - How did you get that picture of Kevin?

Unused photos…Olympic Volleyabll

The US Mens Volleyball team played a game against Argentina at UCI before going over to China. John Speraw, the assistant coach for the US team, is also the head coach for UCI’s Mens Volleyball Team. I thought that our sports section could have used some photos of him in action….i guess not. Anyways, it was fun getting to shoot such a high profile game.
Here is a shot of outside hitter Reis Priddy celebrating after a victorious point.

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August 10, 2008 - 10:37 am

Nik J. - They didn’t? Why not? Drew was soliciting for some photographs, ’cause there was only about…5 in the last issue…too bad because these are really good.